Monday, June 29, 2020

Long time no see!

                                               Some Issues That I needed to Address
Good day to you all after what seems to be a long time while I never really thought that I would be back on here since I decided to return and look at my cringy old blogs from 2015. Ugh! Total cringe! As I dealt with alot of issues such as cyber-bullying and false accusations to the point that I had deleted my YouTube channel because people have been telling me through pm's and emails to go kill myself by hanging myself off a bridge. YouTube has become a  lot more strict and a place where I couldn't be myself anymore. I can't post a comment without people being a smartass or correcting me to make me look like I don't know anything. When I actually do and I am not on DeviantArt as much anymore since I am bullied on there as well. Including being called a stalker on there and getting my head chewed off by a book author from Connecticut. Practically telling me to never talk to him again and stay out of his life but I do take the blame because I sorta liked him even though he was much older than me by 10 years. That he's also a very private person and I made him uncomfortable but I forgot how I got so uncomfortable to where he told me in a polite way to never talk to him again before he blocked me. I felt really bad and I wasn't clear with myself because I am a rather chatty, lonely individual with a creative imagination. I won't expose the authors name because I respect his privacy and don't want to cause him more problems but now that is in the past.

 I am also dealing with other issues that seem impossible now because the San Diego police doesn't want to do crap about stalkers and not that I am being pathetic. Their resolution was to place an Restraining Order (RO) on the stalkers but I highly doubt that will do anything good for the problems that I deal with since I have an ex who is practically stalking and making me paranoid to the depths of the Egyptian Underworld. Then I deal with a psychotic furry who wants to make my life miserable in whatever way possible. Such as trying to hack into my personal accounts, spread false gossip, slandering my reputation as a cosplayer, and he acts completely dumb when he is caught red handed. Since he wears this," Smarter than you; Better than you" attitude and I met this total creepy jerk back in my junior year of high school at Grossmont high school. I mean he eventually became obsessed with me several times and has said some not so lovely things to me. He even took a picture of me while I slept on the couch of my living room at home when he was visiting and kept showing his friends while saying, "That ass though."

Sexual harassment and bullying is something that I really despise. I hate it because I have dealt with it throughout my entire life while growing up and I have been bullied by teachers at the schools that I have went to. This included the old principal at Oak Grove Middle School since she reminded me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix because she was such a snake.
I was even bullied for being a Shinto Buddhist, supporting the LGBTQ+ community, identifying myself as a boy, and for enjoying Drag because I count myself as a Drag King. But, I don't do shows due to my fear of the stage and I am afraid of what other people will think of me since I am on the spectrum of being Autistic. More likely to be misunderstood because of how my brain works especially with ADHD but this doesn't make me stupid. As some people believe in the stereotypes that targets people who are Autistic and it doesn't make it seem fair even for me. It's irritating but not as irritating when I stand up against the stereotypes and racism that goes towards the Native Americans. I care about them and they are good people. Film makers make big money when using stereotypes that are based around Native Americans just like how Disney claims that they support the LGBTQ+ community but Walt Disney was a pretty conservative guy. As my father told me when he went to Disneyland in 1967 is that the staff wouldn't let him because he had long hair and I found that ridiculously stupid.

On the contrary of dealing with all of this racism, stereotyping, Cyber bullying, sexual harassment, and all of the negatives in this world is that I tend to learn to try to stay away from it as much as possible. Especially to evade from social media and let people have the right to their own opinions without judgement. Without having a worry and being myself while not caring what others think in a certain way. We all learn to eventually grow out of it and realize our mistakes just like how I was able graduated from Grossmont High School with a diploma. Now attending my third year in a local community college and hanging out with my kind of people. The people who enjoy the same things as I do and be there for one another. Despite it being hard to be with the ones that you care for during the pandemic of COVID-19 and the protests for Black Lives Matter but I disagree with the police force being abolished. Without the police then there will be no order of safety as they help protect the people in times of hardship and danger. People need to learn self defense since I did martial arts for two years at White Dragon Martial Arts in La Mesa, CA. I did it for my own safety of being and to learn to have more respect for the others around you. Since I am now aiming to be a producer in film and media then eventually slip into being an actor and voice actor. As I look up to Domhnall Gleeson and Peter Jackson when it comes to work in the film industry. Domhnall Gleeson is known for playing the roles of Bill Weasley from the Harry Potter film series, the ruthless general of the First Order in Star Wars known as General Hux, and played many more roles.

As I shall continue to create more blogs based around traveling and art. Since this blog was about the hardships that I have went through and what I specifically noticed as the years went by with the media. Please call me Axel since I prefer to go by that nickname since my personal friends does as well.
You can find me @:
Thank you for taking the time to read my recent blog as of today. I will be starting my third year of college for the fall of 2020. Stay safe, wear a mask, and please practice the five steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you!

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